• Inflammation
  • Has the vascular system of living tissue damage factor of defense responses to inflammation. Is usually what people call "inflammation", is one of the types of the body to stimulate the defense reaction, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, pain. Vascular reaction is a central part of the inflammatory process. Typically, inflammation is beneficial, is the body's automatic defense reaction, but sometimes, inflammation is harmful, such as the attack on the body's own tissues, occur in the transparent tissue inflammation, and so on. 

    Dermatitis and eczema often refers to a kind of skin inflammation as synonyms, on behalf of the skin for chemicals, proteins, bacteria and fungi variety of material such as allergic reactions. Eczema is a word no special meaning, while dermatitis have a limited amount of sense. If replace with dermatitis eczema as diagnostic terminology, refers to the dermis and epidermis joint reaction, it can be acute, subacute, and chronic. 

    Common symptoms of patients with dermatitis, mainly embodied in the following aspects:

    1, skin appears swelling, sheet, strip or indefinite shape when seepage scab skin cover, when skin injury occurs can have erosion or ulcer, have been feeling.

    2, when the skin is a large number of inflammatory exudate covers and chronic dermatitis, visible skin coat off. Skin thickening, chap.Omega

    3, suffering from fungal dermatitis, hair removal, partial white powder is scabby, scab and surrounded by red bumps.

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